#With ❤️ from Ukraine

Find employees for your next IT project and do good for people from Ukraine. Already know the intro? JUMP TO VACANCIES

Our Purpose

We know that Ukrainian people will come back to Ukraine quickly. For the first time they will need money, accommodation and tools. For this case we establish a Win-Win-Case: we find jobs for job-seekers and use the placement fee to help people who need it.

Curators of this project

For companies

We help you to find the right team member for your next project or even a whole team. 
Therefore we publish candidates only after we spoke to them and are sure they fit to us and can deliver the  quality you need.

For job-seekers

We help you not only to find the right job, we also help with contracts and all questions with the job in Germany. 
Please fill out the form below. We will get in touch with you quickly. Areas of work you can publish:

#ui/ux #design #web #app #development #q&a and much more...

All available vacancies for your company.